Monthly Archives: June 2012

There and back again


I’ve just finished a whirlwind UK trip that coincided with the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. The island had been enjoying some very very sunny weather, right up until the day I landed. I reached at around 8p.m. and was greeted by a bright sky, light drizzle, sharp winds and a happy brother.

The only place it was bright and sunny was in the store display windows with sun dresses and swimwear. Outside the glass cages it was all gray jackets and black umbrellas.

We fled to Bath the next day, avoiding the London rush for the Jubilee. We came home to watch the boats and the Queen on TV.

Having done all the usual things in London, I present to you some fun activities we did outside of London:

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Winter Flowers


Winter in North India is a big deal. The vegetables are fresher, the birds are happier and  you save a lot of petrol because your a/c is off.

I love how the gardeners in my apartment complex start planting, pruning and then sleeping under the trees.   I took these pictures around 6 months ago. Yes, yes, I have indeed perfected the art of procrastination.

I miss winter. It is a blazing 43C / 110F here now.  It is too hot to wear jeans and if you wear shorts, you burn your thigh on the hot car seat.


Dirty fountain, Happy flower 🙂

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